Monday, October 4, 2010

Relationships, Attachment and Success

Section 7 reminds us of the importance of building caring relationships with children. When adults and children "get to know each other well, they learn to predict each other's signals and behavior and establish attunement and trust." Within a trusting relationship (a secure attachment) children are able to take risks and challenge themselves. When each of us steps outside of our comfort zone, a bit, we provide ourselves the opportunity to learn and grow.

Be the teacher that helps each one of the children in your class form secure attachments and caring relationships. "..set the stage for other future relationships.." and provide the children with the confidence to explore and discover the world around them.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Built In Survival Tools Versus Development

Item 6 of "Principles of child development and learning that inform practice" brings up a point of confusion. Even though research and observation tells us that young children live in the here and now and are very limited in their understanding of the abstract sometimes built in survival mechanism like understanding more and less confuse the issue.

In order to survive in the environment even babies need to be aware of when new items are added to the environment and when items are taken away. This knowledge of the environment assists them in coping, adjusting and learning. Some adults use this ability to support their view that young children can think more abstractly than we give them credit for. A built in ability functions without understanding in the beginning and takes time and experience in order to develop true understanding. For example, the ability to find and suckle a food source is a reflex (or built in) in the beginning but becomes learned later on as the child gains experience eating and their brain and motor skills mature.

My concern is that adults will leap ahead in their expectation of a child's abilities with out providing them with opportunities to practice and gain experience in order to fully understand an abstract concept and move on to the next level. Make sure to provide direct experience with all of the senses and lots of opportunities to explore and practice with three dimensional representations of objects and real objects when ever it is possible.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Setting Up the Framework for Future Development

In the section of the Developmentally Appropriate Practices Position Statement entitled "Principles of child development and learning that inform practice" item 5 states "Early experiences have profound effects, both cumulative and delayed, on a child's development and learning...". Sometimes I think we confuse this fact with the perspective that children are resiliant and can deal with almost anything. It may appear that a child is doing fine but the effects of inappropriate teaching practices may not become evident until later (delayed). One of the major roles of early educators is to set up the background knowledge and experience that prepares children for future cognitive abilities and tasks. If the background knowledge and experience is not there such as knowing the value of print or understanding one to one correspondance later when a child is expected to master reading comprehension or addition the child will not have the cognitive tools they need to be successful. Set up the framework for future task don't rush to the tasks themselves!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Basic Aspects of Developmentally Appropriate Practices

The new edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) Position Statement calls these "Core Considerations" and discusses them in the context of making decisions in the classroom. First consider "What is known about child development and learning..", second "What is known about each child as an individual..." and finally "What is known about the social and cultural context in which the child lives....".

As I think about this core, I am reminded of how I spent my Friday last week in an all day training session focusing on the tool our state developed to evaluate how effective the programs are that our tax dollars support. This evaluation tool (DRDP) has recently been revised to match the work the state has done related to the first aspect of DAP "What is known about child development and learning", California calls these foundations. I am pleased to say that the training on Friday revolved around gathering information to determine the other two aspects of DAP knowing the individual child and their social and cultural context. The key words the trainers wanted us to remember are "review and reflect". Both are essential to Developmentally Appropriate Practices!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Critical Issues in the Position Statment and Issues in California

As you begin reading the official Position Statement regarding Developmentally Appropriate Practices you will find a section titled "Critical issues in the current context". A subheading of that section is "Reducing the learning gaps and increasing the achievement of all children." You will find a similar statement in the Master Plan for Education in the state of California:"closing the school readiness gap."

The California Department of Education understands that learning and development that occurs before Kindergarten influences long term learning outcomes in K - 12th Grade. To address this issue The California Infant/Toddler and Preschool Learning and Development System has been established. The system includes Program Guidelines, Developmental Foundations (age expectations), Curriculum Frameworks (dealing with instruction) and Desired Results (assessment and evaluation).

If you are interested in finding out more about the California Learning and Development System visit the WebSites indicated in the right hand margins.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Improving Teaching and Learning

The final Key Message includes many important ideas. The first and fifth really tie to what this blog has been addressing from the beginning. "A teacher's moment-by-moment actions and interactions with children are the most powerful determinant of learning..." "Effective teachers are intentional in their use of variety of approaches and strategies to support children..."

Children learn and develop moment by moment. Adults who interact with children must realize and take very seriously the profound impact that they have individually on this process. It is our responsibilty to be knowledgeable and thoughtful in all we do.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cognitive Development Improved With Focus on Physical and Social-Emotional Development

The third key message of the updated Developmentally Appropriate Position Statement reinforces the importance of integrating all domains of development cognitive, physical, social and emotional. "All the domains of children's development and learning interrelate." Focusing only on cognitive/academic aspects of learning is much less effective than planning cognitive learning in unison with physical, social and emotional activities.

This message also emphasises the importance of building on what children already know when introducing new information.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Reducing the Achievement Gap:Message Two

Because of the diversity in the United States children come to group educational programs with a wide array of experiences and abilities. More and more policy makers at the state and federal levels are realizing the value of early childhood programs in affecting change in that gap.

As stated in message two of the "Key Points of the Position Statement" early childhood programs must provide more extended, enriched and intensive learning experiences that follow what we know regarding development by age. The book later reminds us what is age appropriate according to age.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Looking At The 3rd Edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practices

The new third edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practices begins with a section called "Key Messages of the Position Statement". In many ways discussing these key messages dispels some of the myths held by those who do not understand what these practices are and therefore do not view them as important.

Under the heading "What Is Developmentally Appropriate Practices?" the book states "DAP does not mean making things easier for children. Rather, it means ensuring that goals and experiences are suited to their learning and development....." Many adults who state that they don't worry about DAP explain that one of the reasons why is that what is done in the classroom is too easy and does not meet benchmarks or standards.

Under that same heading it also states that "Best practice is based on knowledge-not on assumptions-of how children learn and develop. The research base yields major principles in human development and learning..." Again, those who state that they don't agree with DAP state that it is just someone's opinion disregarding the scientific research and duplication of that research's initial results.

Remember, you can secure a copy of this book at under the topic Publications.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Reponding to Those Who Say DAP Does Not Work

One of the best articles out there to assist with replies to those who say DAP does not work in real life is found in the NAEYC publication Young Children the July 2005 edition "Yeah Buts That Keep Teachers from Embracing Active Curriculum:Overcomeing Resistance." Written by Eugen Geist and Angela Baum from Ohio State University. You can get a copy of this article at Click on Publications, Past Publications and July 2005.

It addresses seven of the many excuses used by teachers to explain why they do not utilize developmentally appropriate techniques in their classrooms. For example: Yeah, I think a developmentally appropriate curriculum is best, But the teacher at the next level is not going to teach that way, and I don't want to confuse the child. It seems to me that even if that statement is true it would be a reason why you would want to be developmentally appropriate to better prepare that child to learn more independently so that when teachers are inappropriate later on the child can deal with the ineffective teaching approaches better. The article states that "Positive classroom experience can never be negative." and "Children are not confused with different teaching styles. The high-quality, positive experiences that you give a child in your classroom has a lasting effect."

Print the article, read it over regularly and have a response on the tip of your tongue when you hear the Yeah Buts. I would like to know what you think about the article.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Visual Arts

In Chapter 7 of "The Intentional Teacher" Epstein reminds us that children need to be encouraged by factual comments about their visual art creations such as "You used the color orange in your picture." rather than judging whether you "like it" or if you think it is "beautiful". There is almost a full page discussion on this topic.

There are also a wide array of open ended question examples to utilize in facilitating discussion regarding children's work. Thank you Ann S. Epstein for your reminders of developmentally appropriate practices in the classroom! "The Intentional Teacher Teacher.." on your shelf can remind you of the basics when you loose your way!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Instruction in Large Motor Skills?

Although teachers consistantly focus on facilitating and supporting small motor skills, it is often assumed that as Epstein states in Chapter 6 "many movement skills appear spontaneously". Large motor development activities benefit children where "movements that are more difficult or complex and involve greater coordination of muscles, senses and feed back loops require a certain amount of direction and refinement..." This is especially the case for preschool and young school-age children. Thoughtfully planning and providing instruction in the outdoor environment can be especially valuable to children's long and short term large motor skill development.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Social Skills

Chapter 5 of The Intentional Teacher has some very valuable topics in bordered boxes throughout the chapter. One describes an adult's fundamental role when it comes to emotional development acknowledging and labeling children's emotions. When adults discuss the behavioral indicators of particular types of emotions, children develop the vocabulary to talk about emotions and understand ideas related to the wide array of emotions they experience. Another box gives an example of how teachers can encourage peer modeling and assistance rather than promoting dependence on adult assistance. And three more boxes outline important aspects of functioning as part of a group conflict resolution, child initiated rule setting and democratic decision making.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Math and Science

Just like the ruts that teachers get into related to language we fall into these patterns with Math and Science. Focusing on rote counting for math and frog, caterpillar or plant growth sequences for science. When teachers are in ruts they often miss the learning opportunities available in the everyday world of children. The Intentional Teacher presents a great example of an argument over who will ride a big truck around the playground. The group problem solving process in this case presented an excellent teachable moment in math. Chapter 4 also provides thoughtful suggestions related to computer use in the classroom and math and science concepts tied to materials that can be used to develop these concepts

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Emergent Literacy and DAP

Chapter 3 of the Intentional Teacher does an excellent job tying together the prerequisites to reading Emergent Literacy and Developmentally Apporpropriate Practices. It has refreshing teaching strategies that go beyond glueing beans on an alphabet letter B or tracing the letter B on a worksheet. For example under the topic of print knowledge utilize what the author calls letter links. Pairing a child's printed nametag with a picture or even better a real object or 3 dimensional representation of that object and the printed name of that object. " A letter link for Aice might be ant and one for Pedro could be paintbrush."