Sunday, March 28, 2010

Looking At The 3rd Edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practices

The new third edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practices begins with a section called "Key Messages of the Position Statement". In many ways discussing these key messages dispels some of the myths held by those who do not understand what these practices are and therefore do not view them as important.

Under the heading "What Is Developmentally Appropriate Practices?" the book states "DAP does not mean making things easier for children. Rather, it means ensuring that goals and experiences are suited to their learning and development....." Many adults who state that they don't worry about DAP explain that one of the reasons why is that what is done in the classroom is too easy and does not meet benchmarks or standards.

Under that same heading it also states that "Best practice is based on knowledge-not on assumptions-of how children learn and develop. The research base yields major principles in human development and learning..." Again, those who state that they don't agree with DAP state that it is just someone's opinion disregarding the scientific research and duplication of that research's initial results.

Remember, you can secure a copy of this book at under the topic Publications.

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